Інтеграція з камерами HIKVISION LPR через SDK

Picture of Менеджер Viatec

Менеджер Viatec

Як інтегруватися з камерами Hikvision з функцією LPR через SDK

Короткий огляд

Для моніторингу дорожнього руху доступні функції виявлення транспортних засобів та виявлення змішаного руху. У режимі виявлення транспортних засобів можна встановити транспортний засіб, що проїжджає повз, і захопити зображення його номерного знака. Колір транспортного засобу, логотип та інша інформація можуть бути розпізнані автоматично.

У режимі виявлення змішаного руху можна встановити пішохода, автомобіль і неавтомобільний транспортний засіб, а також зробити знімок об’єкта (для пішохода/ неавтомобіля/автомобіля без номерного знака) або номерного знака (для автомобіля з номерним знаком). Можна відправити сигнал тривоги для оповіщення центру спостереження і завантажити захоплене зображення на FTP-сервер.

Примітка: Функція дорожнього руху залежить від моделі камери

Функції APIs для розпізнавання номерів (LPR)

1.1  Пошук зображення


/************************************************* Function:                    NET_DVR_FindPicture

Description: Search the JPEG picture of DVR Input:

lUserID: The return value of NET_DVR_Login() pFindParam:The structure of picture information to be found Output:            NULL


Return FALSE on failure -1, other value will be act as the parameter of NET_DVR_FindNextPicture. *************************************************/ NET_DVR_API HPR_INT32 CALLBACK NET_DVR_FindPicture(HPR_INT32 lUserID,



/************************************************* Function:                            NET_DVR_FindNextPicture

Description: This API is used to get picture one by one. Input:

lFindHandle : Handle, the return value of NET_DVR_FindPicture() Output:

lpFindData: Pointer for saving picture information Return value:


Return FALSE on failure -1, other status are as follows:

#define NET_DVR_FILE_SUCCESS                        1000      //    Get   the file directory information successfully

#define NET_DVR_FILE_NOFIND                                1001      // No file directory found #define NET_DVR_ISFINDING                                           1002      // Searching, please wait


found, search is finished


// No more file directory



//      Exception       when

search file directory




NET_DVR_API      HPR_INT32      CALLBACK      NET_DVR_FindNextPicture(HPR_INT32

lFindHandle,LPNET_DVR_FIND_PICTURE lpFindData)


/************************************************* Function:                            NET_DVR_CloseFindPicture

Description: Close NET_DVR_FindFile and release the resource Input:

lFindHandle : Handle of finding picture, the return value of NET_DVR_FindFile() Output:                     NULL

Return value:

Return HPR_TRUE on success, return HPR_FALSE on failure



1.1.2  Визначення параметра










The return value of NET_DVR_Login()




The return value of NET_DVR_FindPict ure()



Визначення та структура макросу

typedef enum _VCA_OPERATE_TYPE_



VCA_LICENSE_TYPE              = 0x1,    //plate number VCA_PLATECOLOR_TYPE                                               = 0x2,    //plate color VCA_CARDNO_TYPE                                                        = 0x4,      //card number VCA_PLATETYPE_TYPE                                              = 0x8,     //plate type VCA_LISTTYPE_TYPE = 0x10, //plate list types VCA_INDEX_TYPE      = 0x20, //data index 2014-02-25 VCA_OPERATE_INDEX_TYPE = 0x40    //operation index 2014-03-03


typedef enum _VCA_VEHICLE_TYPE_




= 0x1,

//other type


= 0x2,

//small car


= 0x4,

//big car


= 0x8,



= 0x10,



= 0x20,



= 0x40,



= 0x80

//small truck


typedef struct tagNET_DVR_FIND_PICTURE_PARAM


DWORD    dwSize;                  // Structure size LONG               lChannel;              // channel number

/* Image type to search:

0- scheduled capture,

1- motion detection capture,

2- захоплення сигналу тривоги,

3- виявлення руху або захоплення сигналу тривоги,

3- виявлення руху та захоплення сигналу тривоги,

6- захоплення вручну,

9- інтелектуальне захоплення,

10- сигнал PIR,

11- бездротова сигналізація,

12- сигналізація виклику допомоги,

0xa- знімок у режимі live view,

0xd-виявлення обличчя,

0xe-виявлення перетину лінії,

0xf- виявлення вторгнення,

0x10- виявлення зміни сцени,

0x11- знімок екрана під час відтворення на локальному пристрої,

0x12- інтелектуальне виявлення,

0x13- виявлення входу в регіон,

0x14- виявлення виходу з регіону,

0x15- виявлення бездіяльності,

0x16- виявлення скупчення людей,

0x17- виявлення швидкого руху,

0x18 – виявлення парку,

0x19- Багаж без нагляду,

0x1a- видалення об’єкта,

0x1b- виявлення таблички,

0x1c- виявлення MixColumn, 0xff- усі типи*/

BYTE      byFileType;

BYTE      byNeedCard;          // whether need the card or not BYTE              byProvince;          //Province index

BYTE      byRes;    //Whether need to return the coordinate info in the result, 0-no, 1- yes;

BYTE      sCardNum[CARDNUM_LEN_V3/*49*/0];          // card number NET_DVR_TIME    struStartTime;//Start time

NET_DVR_TIME    struStopTime;// Stop time

//ITC3.7 New added

DWORD          dwTrafficType; //effect item, please refer to VCA_OPERATE



DWORD                   dwVehicleType;    //Vehicle    type,     please    refer    to


//illegal type, please refer to VCA_ILLEGAL_TYPE(not support multiple choice ) DWORD dwIllegalType;

BYTE          byLaneNo; //Lane number (1~99)

BYTE             bySubHvtType ;//0-reserved, 1-motor vehicle, 2- Non-motor vehicle, 3-pedestrian

BYTE          byRes2[2];

char     sLicense[MAX_LICENSE_LEN/*16*/]; //License number

BYTE          byRegion;          // Region index: 0-reserved, 1- Europe Region, 2- Russian Region, 0xff- All;

/*Nation index: 0- not supported, 1- CZ – Czech Republic),2- FRA – France, 3- DE – Germany), 4- E – Spain, 5-IT – Italy, 6-NL – Netherlands, 7- PL – Poland, 8- SVK – Slovakia), 9- BY – Belorussia, 10- MDA – Moldova, 11- RU – Russia, 12- UA – Ukraine, 0xfe- Unrecognized, 0xff- All;


BYTE          byCountry;           // Nation index BYTE                  byRes3[6];          // Reserved


//time correction typedef struct


DWORD dwYear;        //Year DWORD dwMonth;                                          //Month DWORD dwDay;                       //Day DWORD dwHour;                                          //hour DWORD dwMinute;                         //minute DWORD dwSecond;                         //second


typedef enum _VCA_PLATE_COLOR_


VCA_BLUE_PLATE   = 0,      //blue plate VCA_YELLOW_PLATE,           //yellow plate VCA_WHITE_PLATE,              //white plate

VCA_BLACK_PLATE,             //black plate

VCA_GREEN_PLATE,              //green plate VCA_BKAIR_PLATE,                                             //black plate of civi       a VCA_OTHER = 0xff                                   //else




typedef enum _VTR_RESULT


























//small truck

VTR_RESULT_HUMAN            =    6,    //human VTR_RESULT_TUMBREL       =    7,    //tumbrel VTR_RESULT_TRIKE           =    8,    //trike VTR_RESULT_SUV_MPV        =    9,    //SUV/MPV

VTR_RESULT_MEDIUM_BUS =    10,    //medium bus VTR_RESULT_MOTOR_VEHICLE = 11, //motor vehicle VTR_RESULT_NON_MOTOR_VEHICLE = 12   //non- motor vehicle


typedef struct


char        sFileName[PICTURE_NAME_LEN/*64*/];// picture name NET_DVR_TIME struTime;//time

DWORD dwFileSize;//picture size

char        sCardNum[CARDNUM_LEN_V30/*40*/]; //card number BYTE              byPlateColor ;//please refer to VCA_PLATE_COLOR

BYTE      byVehicleLogo;//please refer to VLR_VEHICLE_CLASS

BYTE      byEventSearchStatus; //If there is continuous picture in the result: 0- there is no picture behind, 1- there is picture behind.

BYTE      byRecogResult ;//Please refer to VTR_RESULT

char      sLicense[MAX_LICENSE_LEN/*16*/];     //license number BYTE                        byRes[12];


1.1.4  Зауваження


1.2  LPR Configuration


/************************************************* Function:                            NET_DVR_GetDeviceConfig

Description: This API is used to get configuration of the device(batch). Input:                iUserID:    The return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30()

dwCommand: NET_DVR_GET_TRIGGEREX_CFG command


dwCount: The count to be set, both 0 and 1 mean one, 2 means two, and so forth, the max value is 64

lpInBuffer: The buffer pointer of NET_DVR_TRIGGER_COND dwInBufferSize: The buffer size of the NET_DVR_TRIGGER_COND

dwOutBufferSize: The size of dwCount*NET_ITC_TRIGGERCFG Output:

lpStatusList:Error message list, corresponding to the channel to be query,

e.g. lpStatusList[2] corresponds to lpInBuffer[2], memory allocated by user. The size of one error message is 4 bytes(32 bit unsigned integer value), the value: 0- successful, >0- failed                                                 lpOutBuffer:Buffer pointer of NET_ITC_TRIGGERCFG. The parameter must be corresponding to the channel to be query. If lpStatusList that corresponds to the channel is larger than 0, the content of corresponding lpOutBuffer is invalid.

Return value:             HPR_TRUE: success, but it dose not represent all configuration successful, it requires to check lpStatusList[n] to see whether the configuration is succesful or failed.

HPR_FALSE: FALSE means all configuration failed

*************************************************/ NET_DVR_API HPR_BOOL CALLBACK NET_DVR_GetDeviceConfig( HPR_INT32 iUserID,

HPR_UINT32 dwCommand, HPR_UINT32 dwCount, HPR_VOIDPTR lpInBuffer, HPR_UINT32 dwInBufferSize, HPR_VOIDPTR lpStatusList, HPR_VOIDPTR lpOutBuffer, HPR_UINT32 dwOutBufferSize)


/************************************************* Function:                            NET_DVR_SetDeviceConfig

Description: This API is used to set configuration of the device(batch). Input:                iUserID:    The return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30()

dwCommand: NET_DVR_SET_TRIGGEREX_CFG command

dwCount: The count to be set, both 0 and 1 mean one, 2 means two, and so forth, the max value is 64

lpInBuffer:    The buffer pointer of NET_DVR_TRIGGER_COND dwInBufferSize: The buffer size of the NET_DVR_TRIGGER_COND lpInParamBuffer:Buffer pointer of NET_ITC_TRIGGERCFG. The parameter

must be corresponding to the channel to be query. If lpStatusList that corresponds to the channel is larger than 0, the content of corresponding lpInBufferis invalid.

dwInParamBufferSize:The buffer size of NET_ITC_TRIGGERCFG Input/Output parameter:

lpStatusList:Error message list, corresponding to the channel to be query,

e.g. lpStatusList[2] corresponds to lpInBuffer[2], memory allocated by user. The size of


one error message is 4 bytes(32 bit unsigned integer value), the value: 0- successful, >0- failed

Return value:             HPR_TRUE:success, but it dose not represent all configuration successful, it requires to check lpStatusList[n] to see whether the configuration is succesful or failed.

HPR_FALSE:FALSE means all configuration failed

*************************************************/ NET_DVR_API HPR_BOOL CALLBACK NET_DVR_SetDeviceConfig( HPR_INT32 iUserID,

HPR_UINT32 dwCommand, HPR_UINT32 dwCount, HPR_VOIDPTR lpInBuffer, HPR_UINT32 dwInBufferSize, HPR_VOIDPTR lpStatusList, HPR_VOIDPTR lpInParamBuffer, HPR_UINT32 dwInParamBufferSize)

2.2.2 Визначення параметра




//Get the ITC extension






//Set the ITC extension
































2.2.3  Визначення та структура макросу

Macro Definition




//Get ITC extension



//set ITC extension







ITC_POST_IOSPEED_TYPE                            = 0x1, // IO speed measuring (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

ITC_POST_SINGLEIO_TYPE                          = 0x2, // IO speed measuring (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

ITC_POST_RS485_TYPE                                = 0x4, // RS485 magnetic vehicle detector trigger (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

ITC_POST_RS485_RADAR_TYPE                            = 0x8, // RS485 radar trigger (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

ITC_POST_VIRTUALCOIL_TYPE                         = 0x10,        // Virtual coil trigger (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles

ITC_POST_HVT_TYPE_V50                          = 0x20, //HVT V50

ITC_POST_MPR_TYPE                                   = 0x40,      //multiframe recongnition (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)(Ver3.7)

ITC_POST_PRS_TYPE                                    = 0x80,      //video detection trigger ITC_EPOLICE_IO_TRAFFICLIGHTS_TYPE = 0x100, // IO traffic lights (electronic


ITC_EPOLICE_RS485_TYPE                         = 0x200, // RS485 magnetic vehicle detector trigger (electronic police)

ITC_POST_HVT_TYPE                            = 0x400, //HVT (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

ITC_PE_RS485_TYPE                                    = 0x10000, // RS485 magnetic vehicle detector trigger(electronic police and intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)                     ITC_VIDEO_EPOLICE_TYPE                         = 0x20000, // Video trigger (electronic police and intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

ITC_VIA_VIRTUALCOIL_TYPE                     = 0x40000, //VIA trigger

ITC_POST_IMT_TYPE                            = 0x80000,         //intelligent surveillance configuration

IPC_POST_HVT_TYPE                                   = 0x100000 //HVT of IPC



typedef struct tagNET_DVR_TRIGGER_COND


DWORD    dwSize;              //Structure size DWORD                 dwChannel;        //Channel number

DWORD    dwTriggerMode;//trigger mode, refer to ITC_TRIGGERMODE_TYPE BYTE              byDetSceneID;// scene ID [1,4], IPC- 0(by default)

BYTE      byRes[63];        //reserved




typedef struct tagNET_VCA_POINT


float fX;                                                   // X, 0.001~1

float fY;                                                   //Y, 0.001~1



typedef struct tagNET_VCA_LINE


NET_VCA_POINT struStart;        //start point NET_VCA_POINT struEnd;            //end point


//Line definition

typedef enum _ITC_LINE_TYPE_


ITC_LINT_UNKNOW          = 0,      //unknown ITC_LINE_WHITE            = 1, //white

ITC_LINE_STOP              = 2, //stop line ITC_LINE_SINGLE_YELLOW = 3, //single yellow line ITC_LINE_DOUBLE_YELLOW = 4, //double yellow line ITC_LINE_GUARD_RAIL = 5, //there is guard rail on the lane ITC_LINE_NO_CROSS = 6, //no cross lane ITC_LINE_DOTTED = 7 //dotted



//Structure of video electronic police line typedef struct tagNET_ITC_LINE


NET_VCA_LINE struLine; //line parameter

BYTE byLineType; //line type, please refer t ITC_LINE_TYPE BYTE byRes[7];



//Plate recognition parameter

typedef struct tagNET_ITC_PLATE_RECOG_PARAM


BYTE byDefaultCHN[MAX_CHJC_NUM/*3*/]; /* Chinese characters of province*/ BYTE byEnable; //Whether enable the Plate recognition of region, 0-n o, 1-yes DWORD dwRecogMode; /*

bit0- Back Plate: 0- Front Plate, 1- Back Plate;

bit1- Small-Size Plate Recognition or Large-Size Plate Recognition: 0- Small- Size Plate Recognition, 1- Large-Size Plate Recognition;

bit2- Vehicle Color Recognization:0- disable in Back Plate and Small-Size Plate Recognition; 1- enable;

bit3- Agricultural Vehicle Recognition: 0-disbale,1-enable;


bit4- Fuzzy Recognization: 0-disable, 1-enable;

bit5- frame alignment or Field orientation: 0- frame alignment, 1- Field orientation;

bit6- frame identification or Field identification: 0- frame identification, 1- Field identification;

bit7-Night or daylight: 0-daylight, 1-night;

bit8- motorcycle identification: 0- disable, 1- enable;

bit9-scene mode: 0-electronic police/multiframe, 1- Checkpoint; bit10-tiny palte: 0-disable, 1-enable (pixel 60~80)

bit11- safety belt detection: 0- disable, 1- enable

bit12- plate recognition of civil aviation: 0- disable, 1- enable; bit13- plate Excessive tilt: 0- disable, 1- enable(PRS)

bit14-oversized plate identification: 0- disable, 1- enable (PRS) bit15- sun shield detection: 0- disable, 1- enable

bit16- Yellow Label Car detection: 0- disable, 1- enable

bit17- hazardous article vehicle detection: 0- disable, 1- enable;


BYTE byVehicleLogoRecog;//whether enable vehicle logo recognition: 0-disable, 1-enable;

BYTE byProvince;

BYTE byRegion;            // region index value: 0-reserved, 1- Europe Region, 2- Russian Region;

BYTE byRes[29];


// Structure of polygon

typedef struct tagNET_ITC_POLYGON


DWORD dwPointNum; //Valid point, >=3, if three points are on a straight line, or the lines cross, it is considered to invalid area

NET_VCA_POINT     struPos[ITC_MAX_POLYGON_POINT_NUM/*20*/]; //Polygon boundary point, the max number is 20


//drive direction definition not supported now typedef enum _ITC_LANE_CAR_DRIVE_DIRECT_


ITC_LANE_DRIVE_UNKNOW          = 0, //unknown ITC_LANE_DRIVE_UP_TO_DOWN = 1, //drive from up to down ITC_LANE_DRIVE_DOWN_TO_UP = 2    //drive from down to up


//Definition of lane direction      not supported now typedef enum _ITC_RELA_LANE_DIRECTION_TYPE_




= 0,



= 1,

//from east to west



= 2,

//from west to east


= 3,

//from south to north


= 4,

//from north to south


= 5,

//from east south to west


ITC_RELA_LANE_WESTNORTH_EASTSOUTH   = 6,        //from west north to east south

ITC_RELA_LANE_EASTNORTH_WESTSOUTH   = 7,        //from east north to west south

ITC_RELA_LANE_WESTSOUTH_EASTNORTH   = 8          //from west south to east north


typedef struct tagNET_ITC_LANE_MPR_PARAM


BYTE byLaneNO; union


BYTE    uLen[4];



BYTE    byIONo;//IO number x[1, byIoInNum+1], start from 1, and the max value can be relate to the byIoInNum of NET_DVR_SNAP_ABILITY.

BYTE    byTriggerType;//0-falling edge, 1-rising edge BYTE            byRes1[2];

}struIO;//valid in IO mode struct





BYTE    byRelateChan;// relevance number [1,16] of magnetic vehicle


BYTE    byRes2[3];




BYTE byCarDriveDirect; //vehicle drive direction, ITC_LANE_CAR_DRIVE_DIRECT BYTE byRes[58];

NET_ITC_LINE struLaneLine;//lane line

NET_ITC_POLYGON struPlateRecog;//license recognition region

//Relevance lane direction type, refer to ITC_RELA_LANE_DIRECTION_TYPE

//The lane direction paramer corresponding with the relevance lane number. BYTE byRelaLaneDirectionType;

BYTE byRes1[255];


typedef struct tagNET_ITC_POST_MPR_PARAM


BYTE byEnable;


BYTE byLaneNum;

BYTE bySourceType; //0-MPR, 1-IO (FVNP), 2-RS485 BYTE byRes[61];

NET_ITC_LINE struLaneBoundaryLine;//Boundary line of lane(far left) NET_ITC_PLATE_RECOG_PARAM struPlateRecog;//plate recognition parameter 40 NET_ITC_LANE_MPR_PARAM struLaneParam[MAX_ITC_LANE_NUM/*6*/];

char szSceneName[NAME_LEN/*32*/]; //name of scene BYTE byRes1[408];




DWORD    uLen[1070];                    //parameter

NET_ITC_POST_IOSPEED_PARAM           struIOSpeed; //IO speed measuring parameter (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

NET_ITC_POST_SINGLEIO_PARAM           struSingleIO; //Single IO parameter (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

NET_ITC_POST_RS485_PARAM                     struPostRs485; //RS485 magnetic vehicle detector parameter (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

NET_ITC_POST_RS485_RADAR_PARAM struPostRadar; // RS485 radar parameter (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

NET_ITC_POST_VTCOIL_PARAM             struVtCoil;          // Virtual coil parameter (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

NET_ITC_POST_HVT_PARAM                   struHvt;             //HVT             parameter (intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)

NET_ITC_EPOLICE_IOTL_PARAM           struIOTL;            // IO traffic light parameter (electronic police)

NET_ITC_EPOLICE_RS485_PARAM             struEpoliceRs485; // RS485 magnetic vehicle detector parameter (electronic police)

NET_ITC_EPOLICE_RS485_PARAM         struPERs485; // RS485   magnetic vehicle detector parameter (electronic police for intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles)    NET_ITC_POST_MPR_PARAM                        struPostMpr;

//Multiframe detection trigger(MPR)

NET_DVR_VIA_VTCOIL_PARAM                struViaVtCoil; //(VIA) video detection parameter

NET_ITC_POST_IMT_PARAM                      struPostImt;// intelligent surveillance trigger

NET_ITC_POST_PRS_PARAM                   struPostPrs;//video detection trigger NET_IPC_POST_HVT_PARAM                    struIpcHvt;//(IPC) HVT parameters NET_ITC_POST_HVT_PARAM_V50             struHvtV50;     /* HVT parameter V50

(intelligent monitoring and recording system of vehicles) */


//Structure of single trigger parameter




BYTE    byEnable;//whether need to enable, 0-no, 1-yes BYTE                     byRes1[3];

DWORD      dwTriggerType;     //trigger      type,      please      see      details      in ITC_TRIGGERMODE_TYPE

NET_ITC_TRIGGER_PARAM_UNION uTriggerParam; //trigger parameter BYTE            byRes[64];


// Structure of trigger parameter typedef struct tagNET_ITC_TRIGGERCFG


DWORD      dwSize;                  // Structure length NET_ITC_SINGLE_TRIGGERCFG                struTriggerParam;   //single trigger parameter BYTE         byRes[32];


2.2.4  Зауваження


1.3  Можливість конфігурації інтелектуального керування


/**************************************************** Function:                         NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility

Description: Get capability set of the device Input:

lUserID: The return value of NET_DVR_Login() dwAbilityType: Type of capability, details listed below:

pInBuf: Pointer of the input buffer (according to description mode of capability parameter which is defined by device,it supports XML text or structure format)

dwInLength: Length of input buffer Output:

pOutBuf:Pointer of the output buffer dwOutLength: Length of the output buffer

Return value:

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


NET_DVR_API BOOL stdcall NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwAbilityType, char* pInBuf, DWORD dwInLength, char* pOutBuf, DWORD dwOutLength);

1.3.2  Визначення та структура макросу

    Macro Definition

#define      VCA_DEV_ABILITY        0x100 //intelligent device ability Structure

//VCA Ability

typedef struct tagNET_VCA_DEV_ABILITY


DWORD dwSize;                            //Structure size

BYTE byVCAChanNum;                  //The total number of intelligent channels BYTE byPlateChanNum;                       //The total number of plate channels

BYTE byBBaseChanNum;              //The total number of basic behaviour version channels

BYTE byBAdvanceChanNum;           //The total number of advanced behaviour version channels

BYTE byBFullChanNum;                   //The total number of complete behaviour version channels

BYTE byATMChanNum;                  //The total number of intelligent ATM channels BYTE byPDCChanNum;                              //The total number of pedestrian counting


BYTE byITSChanNum;                  //The total number of traffic event channels BYTE byBPrisonChanNum;                   //The total number of behaviour prison version


BYTE byFSnapChanNum;              // The total number of face snapshot channels BYTE byFSnapRecogChanNum;                // The total number of face snapshot and

recognition channels

BYTE byFRetrievalChanNum;    // The total number of face backward retrieval BYTE bySupport;                                 //ability, 0- not supported, 1- support

//bySupport & 0x1- whether support intelligent

trace 2012-3-22

//bySupport & 0x2- whether support   128

channels stream extension 2012-12-27

BYTE byFRecogChanNum;            //Channel number of face detection

BYTE byBPPerimeterChanNum; // Channel number of behavior in jail (perimeter) BYTE byTPSChanNum;                           // Channel number of Traffic Guidance

BYTE byTFSChanNum;                  // Channel number of Violation Forensics

BYTE byFSnapBFullChanNum; //channel number of face snapshot and behavioural analysis

BYTE byHeatMapChanNum;          // Channel number of Heatmap channel

BYTE bySmartVehicleNum;          // Channel number of SMART event and vehicle detection

BYTE bySmartHVTNum;              // Channel number of SMART event and HVT BYTE bySmartNum;                         //number of SMART event


BYTE byVehicleNum;            //number of vehicle detection channel BYTE byRes[17];


1.3.3  Зауваження


1.4  Отримати/встановити API параметрів інтелектуального керування


/************************************************* Function:                            NET_DVR_GetDVRConfig

Description: Get DVR parameter

Input:       nUserID: The return value of NET_DVR_Login() nCommand: Configuration command: NET_DVR_GET_VCA_CTRLCFG lChannel: Channel number

nOutBufferSize:The length of the buffer: NET_VCA_CTRLCFG


lpOutBuffer: Buffer pointer, NET_VCA_CTRLCFG lpBytesReturned:The size of the returned buffer, it can’t be NULL Return value:

Returns HPR_TRUE on success, HPR_FALSE on failure.



HPR_UINT32    nCommand,    HPR_INT32    nChannel,    HPR_VOIDPTR    lpOutBuffer, HPR_UINT32 nOutBufferSize, HPR_UINT32 *lpBytesReturned)


/************************************************* Function:                            NET_DVR_SetDVRConfig

Description: Set DVR parameter

Input:       nUserID: The return value of NET_DVR_Login() nCommand: Configuration command, NET_DVR_SET_VCA_CTRLCFG lChannel: Channel number

lpInBuffer: Buffer pointer, NET_VCA_CTRLCFG nInBufferSize: The length of the buffer, NET_VCA_CTRLCFG Output: null

Return value:              Returns HPR_TRUE on success, HPR_FALSE on failure.



HPR_UINT32     nCommand,     HPR_INT32     nChannel,     HPR_VOIDPTR     lpInBuffer,


HPR_UINT32 nInBufferSize)

1.4.2  Визначення параметра

#define         NET_DVR_SET_VCA_CTRLCFG 164 //Set intelligent control parameter #define                     NET_DVR_GET_VCA_CTRLCFG165 //Get intelligent control parameter























1.4.3  Визначення та структура макросу

    Macro Definition

#define NET_DVR_SET_VCA_CTRLCFG 164 // Set intelligent control parameter #define NET_DVR_GET_VCA_CTRLCFG165 // Get intelligent control parameter Structure

#define MAX_VCA_CHAN 16//max intelligent channel number

//intelligent channel type

typedef enum _VCA_CHAN_ABILITY_TYPE_


VCA_BEHAVIOR_BASE            = 1,                    //Basic behaviour analysis VCA_BEHAVIOR_ADVANCE = 2,                    //Advanced behaviour analysis VCA_BEHAVIOR_FULL           = 3,                    //Complete behaviour analysis VCA_PLATE                                               = 4,                    //Capacity of plate

VCA_ATM                                  = 5,                    //ATM ability

VCA_PDC                                  = 6,                    //Capacity of pedestrian counting

VCA_ITS                                    = 7,                    //intelligent traffic event VCA_BEHAVIOR_PRISON      = 8,                      // behaviour analysis jail version


= 9,

//face snapshot ability


= 10,

// face snapshot and recognition


VCA_FACE_RETRIEVAL       = 11,                    //face backward retrieval ability


= 12,

// face recognition ability






VCA_BEHAVIOR_PRISON_PERIMETER = 13, // behaviour analysis jail version (perimeter)

VCA_TPS                                  = 14,                    // Traffic Guidance

VCA_TFS                                  = 15,                    // Road peccancy forensics VCA_BEHAVIOR_FACESNAP = 16,                       // face snapshot and behaviour


VCA_HEATMAP                        = 17,                  //heatmap VCA_SMART_VEHICLE_DETECTION = 18, // SMART event and vehicle detection VCA_SMART_HVT_DETECTION           = 19,      // SMART event and HVT VCA_SMART_EVENT                      = 20, // SMART event

VCA_VEHICLE_DETECTION                 = 21      // vehicle detection


typedef struct tagNET_VCA_CTRLINFO


BYTE      byVCAEnable;             //whether enable VCA

BYTE      byVCAType;          //VCA ability type, VCA_CHAN_ABILITY_TYPE BYTE              byStreamWithVCA; //whether there is VCA info in the stream

BYTE      byMode;                    //Mode,          ATM         ability:          refer          to VCA_CHAN_MODE_TYPE; TFS ability: refer to TFS_CHAN_MODE_TYPE

BYTE      byControlType;      //, whether show the control type by bit: 0- no, 1-yes

// byControlType &1 whether enable snapshot


BYTE      byPicWithVCA; // whether overlay target information on the picture: 0- no (by default), 1-yes;

BYTE      byRes[2];             // Reserved, please set to 0



// Structure of intelligent control typedef struct tagNET_VCA_CTRLCFG


DWORD dwSize;

NET_VCA_CTRLINFO struCtrlInfo [MAX_VCA_CHAN];    //Control info, array 0 stands for the start channel of device

BYTE byRes [16];


1.4.4  Приітка


1.5  Завантаження тривоги розпізнавання номерних знаків

Постановка на охорону  API

/************************************************* Function:                         NET_DVR_SetDVRMessageCallBack_V30

Description:     register callback function to receive device alarm message(with user data and callbacj the detailed device info)

Input:       fMessageCallBack: callback info

lCommand: alarm info, COMM_ITS_PLATE_RESULT pAlarmer: alarmer info, NET_DVR_ALARMER pAlarmInfo: alarm info, NET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT

dwBufLen: alarm length, length of NET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT

pUser: user data

Output:       NULL

Return value: Returns HPR_TRUE on success, HPR_FALSE on failure.


NET_DVR_API HPR_BOOL CALLBACK NET_DVR_SetDVRMessageCallBack_V30( MSGCallBack fMessageCallBack,


typedef void (CALLBACK *MSGCallBack)(LONG lCommand, NET_DVR_ALARMER

*pAlarmer, char *pAlarmInfo, DWORD dwBufLen, void* pUser);

/************************************************* Function:                            NET_DVR_SetupAlarmChan_V41

Description: set alarm upload channel

Input:       lUserID: The return value of NET_DVR_Login(). lpSetupParam: Arm priority settings parameter


Return value:    -1 means false, other values are as handle parameters of function NET_DVR_CloseAlarmChan.



lUserID, LPNET_DVR_SETUPALARM_PARAM lpSetupParam);  Parameter Definition

#define COMM_ITS_PLATE_RESULT                                  0x3050 //terminal picture uploading


















Length                           of

NET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT  Визначення та структура макросу

    Macro Definition

#define MAX_LICENSE_LEN                16      //max length of plate number #define DEVICE_ID_LEN                                     48      //length of device ID #define MONITORSITE_ID_LEN                         48      // length of camera ID


typedef struct tagNET_DVR_SETUPALARM_PARAM


DWORD dwSize;

BYTE             byLevel; //Arming priority: 0- level one (high), 1- level two (medium), 2- level three (low)

BYTE byAlarmInfoType; //The type of the alarm information to upload (for intelligent traffic camera): 0- old type (NET_DVR_PLATE_RESULT), 1- new type (NET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT)


BYTE     byRetAlarmTypeV40;     //0—return     NET_DVR_ALARMINFO_V30     or NET_DVR_ALARMINFO, 1—return NET_DVR_ALARMINFO_V40 when device supports, while return NET_DVR_ALARMINFO_V30 or NET_DVR_ALARMINFO. BYTE                               byRetDevInfoVersion; //version of CVR alarm callback structure, 0-


BYTE                 byRetVQDAlarmType;        //VQD        alarm       type       ,   0- NET_DVR_VQD_DIAGNOSE_INFO,1-NET_DVR_VQD_ALARM


BYTE      byFaceAlarmDetection;

BYTE            bySupport; //Bit0- whether there is a need to upload picture in secondary arm: 0-yes, 1-no

BYTE     byRes;

WORD wTaskNo; //task number (corresponding to the dwTaskNo of NET_DVR_VEHICLE_RECOG_RESULT          and            the            dwTaskNo            of ET_DVR_VEHICLE_RECOG_COND)

BYTE byRes1[5];

BYTE byCustomCtrl;//Bit0- support face Subgraph of copilot uploading: 0-no, 1-yes


//frame structure of region typedef struct tagNET_VCA_RECT


float fX;                              // X coordinate of top left corner, 0.001~1

float fY;                              // Y coordinate of top left corner, 0.001~1


float fWidth;                      //width, 0.001~1

float fHeight;                    //height, 0.001~1


// sub-structure of plate recognition result typedef struct tagNET_DVR_PLATE_INFO


BYTE    byPlateType;                              //plate type

BYTE    byColor;                                     //plate color

BYTE    byBright;                                    //plate bright

BYTE    byLicenseLen;                                   //license length of plate

BYTE    byEntireBelieve;                        //confidence coefficient of plate, -100 BYTE            byRegion;          // region index, 0- resered, 1- Europe Region, 2- Russian

Region, 0xff-all

/*Nation index value

0- Not supported, 1-CZ – Czech Republic, 2-FRA – France, 3-DE – Germany, 4-E – Spain, 5-IT – Italy, 6-NL – Netherlands, 7-PL – Poland, 8-SVK – Slovakia, 9-BY – Belorussia, 10-MDA – Moldova, 11-RU – Russia, 12-UA – Ukraine, 0xfe- can’t be recognized*/

BYTE    byCountry;                                         // region index value BYTE                   byRes[33];                                  //reserved NET_VCA_RECT struPlateRect;                                                //plate position char sLicense[MAX_LICENSE_LEN];                     //plate number

BYTE byBelieve[MAX_LICENSE_LEN];   // confidence coefficient of each character identification;


//vehicle info

typedef struct tagNET_DVR_VEHICLE_INFO_


DWORD dwIndex;                    //vehicle index

BYTE        byVehicleType;        /vehicle type, 0-others, 1- small car, 2- oversize vehicle, 3- pedestrian triggers, 4- cart triggers, 5- tricycle triggers (3.5Ver)

BYTE        byColorDepth;            //color depth of car

BYTE    byColor;                    //color of car, refer to VCR_CLR_CLASS BYTE                       byRes1;                           //

WORD wSpeed;                      //unit:km/h

WORD    wLength;                    // bodywork length of the previous car /* Violation type: 0-normal, 1-low speed, 2-over speed, 3- retrograde, 4-run the red light, 5-cross the lane line, 6- not according to the guide line, 7- intersection congest, 8- motor vehicle takes up the non-motor vehicle lane, 9- change the traffic lane illegally, 10- motor vehicle against the rules occupy the special lane, 11- violation of the ban, 12- Intersection park, 13-park during the green lights, 14-not comity the pedestrians (illegal code: 1357), 15- Violation park, 16- Violation turn around,17- occupy the Emergency Vehicle Lane, 18-right forbidden, 19- left forbidden, 20- cross the yellow line, 21- not wearing a seatbelt*/


BYTE byIllegalType;

BYTE byVehicleLogoRecog; //please refer to VLR_VEHICLE_CLASS

BYTE byVehicleSubLogoRecog; //please refer to VSB_VOLKSWAGEN_CLASS BYTE byRes2; //

BYTE byCustomInfo[16];     //customized info BYTE byRes3[16];


typedef struct tagNET_DVR_TIME_V30


WORD wYear;

BYTE byMonth;

BYTE byDay;

BYTE byHour;

BYTE byMinute;

BYTE bySecond;

BYTE byRes;

WORD wMilliSec;

BYTE byRes1[2];


// result

typedef struct tagNET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT


DWORD      dwSize;           //Structure size

DWORD      dwMatchNo;         //The match number, composed of vehicle serial number, data type and lane number;

BYTE        byGroupNum; //The total number of picture groups (the number of pictures continuously captured when one car passed)

BYTE        byPicNo;            //The     sequence     number     of     the     picture     (if byPicNo==byGroupNum, it means finished to receive the last picture; if byPicNo!

=byGroupNum, the picture will be deleted or reserved as needed)

BYTE       bySecondCam; // whether captured by the second camera (e.g. the vista camera of the vision and close-up snapshot, or the rear camera of front and rear snapshot, will be used in special projects)

BYTE byFeaturePicNo; // which picture is taken as close-up view (it is used for automatic detecting system of vehicle violation of traffic signal), and 0xff means not take any one

BYTE      byDriveChan;             // the lane that triggered snapshot BYTE              byVehicleType;          // Vehicle type, refer to VTR_RESULT BYTE                 byDetSceneID; //detected scene ID[1,4], IPC is 0 by default

BYTE          byVehicleAttribute; // 0-no additional Properties, 1- Yellow Label Car(Banner),2- Dangerous goods vehicles;

WORD        wIllegalType;              // Illegal type, definition of GB BYTE                byIllegalSubType[8];      // Sub type of illegal behavior

BYTE         byPostPicNo;          // which picture is taken to record for intelligent


vehicle monitoring and recording system, 0xff means not take any one; BYTE                byChanIndex;            // Channel number (Reserved)

WORD   wSpeedLimit;             // The upper limit of speed (valid when overspeed) BYTE              byRes2[2];

NET_DVR_PLATE_INFO    struPlateInfo;       // License plate information NET_DVR_VEHICLE_INFO struVehicleInfo; // Vehicle information

BYTE    byMonitoringSiteID[48];     // ID of monitoring point BYTE        byDeviceID[48];                                     // ID of the device

BYTE        byDir;                 // Monitoring direction: 1- up-road, 2- down-road, 3- two-way, 4- from east to west, 5- from south to north, 6- from west to east, 7- from north to south, 8- else

BYTE byDetectType; // Detection type: 1- triggered by inductive coil, 2- triggered by video detection, 3- multi-frame recognition, 4- triggered by radar

// relevant lane direction type, please refer to ITC_RELA_LANE_DIRECTION_TYPE

//Act as the parameter of lane direction, corresponding to the relevant lane number;

BYTE        byRelaLaneDirectionType; BYTE                byRes3; // reserved

//valid when wIllegalType is NULL. If the wIllegalType is not NULL, subject to wIllegalType.

DWORD      dwCustomIllegalType; //illegal type definition(customized) BYTE                byRes4[9]; //reserved

BYTE        byPilotSafebelt;//0-unknown,1- Fastened seat belt,2-without seat belt BYTE                byCopilotSafebelt;// 0-unknown,1- Fastened seat belt,2-without seat


BYTE        byPilotSunVisor;//0- unknown,1- sun louver closed,2- sun louver open BYTE                     byCopilotSunVisor;// 0- unknown,1- sun louver closed,2- sun louver


BYTE        byPilotCall;// 0- unknown, 1-don’t make a phone call,2-call up

//0- switch off, 1-non- switch off (Dedicated to the historical data in the camera after the match according to the black and white list, the flag of switch off success)

BYTE        byBarrierGateCtrlType;

BYTE        byAlarmDataType;//0-real time data, 1-history data NET_DVR_TIME_V30                struSnapFirstPicTime;//time of the first picture captured

(ms)       DWORD      dwIllegalTime;//illegal time of duration(ms) = time of the last picture captured – time of the first picture captured;

DWORD      dwPicNum;            //    The    number    of    pictures    (different   form icGroupNum, it is the number of pictures in this message)

NET_ITS_PICTURE_INFO struPicInfo[6];              // Picture information, up to 6 pitures



1.5.2  Lisen  API

/************************************************* Function:                            NET_DVR_StartListen_V30

Description: start listening and receive alarm information uploaded actively from device (muti-thread).

Input:       sLocalIP: Local IP

wLocalPort: Local listening port number of PC, configured by user, should be consistent with that set in device

fDataCallback: Callback function

lCommand: callback type, COMM_ITS_PLATE_RESULT

pAlarmer: alarmer info, NET_DVR_ALARMER pAlarmInfo: alarm info, NET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT dwBufLen: length of NET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT pUser: User data

pUserData: User data

Output:         null

Return value:             >=0: success and return listen handle, <0: failed

*************************************************/ NET_DVR_API HPR_INT32 CALLBACK NET_DVR_StartListen_V30(

char *sLocalIP, HPR_UINT16 wLocalPort, MSGCallBack DataCallback, HPR_VOIDPTR pUserData)


typedef void (CALLBACK *MSGCallBack)( LONG lCommand,

NET_DVR_ALARMER *pAlarmer, char *pAlarmInfo,

DWORD dwBufLen, void* pUser);  Parameter Definition

#define COMM_ITS_PLATE_RESULT                               0x3050    // terminal picture uploading


















Length                           of

NET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT  Визначення та структура макросу

Please refer to NET_ITS_PLATE_RESULT  Привітки


2  Інше

Тип пристрою


2.2    Коди помилок


2.3    Протокол журналу та типи

//main type

#define MAJOR_ALARM                   0x1      //main alarm type #define MAJOR_EXCEPTION                        0x2      // major exception type #define MAJOR_OPERATION                        0x3      // major operation type #define MAJOR_INFORMATION                     0x4      //additional info

  • Structure

//Date typedef struct


DWORD dwYear;         //year DWORD dwMonth;                   //month DWORD dwDay;                        //day DWORD dwHour;                                           //hour DWORD dwMinute;                    //minute DWORD dwSecond;                     //second



typedef struct tagINTER_COMMON_APPEND_LOG


DWORD dwParaType;//parameter type DWORD dwChannel;// channel number DWORD dwDiskNumber;//HDD number DWORD dwAlarmInPort;//alarm input port


DWORD dwAlarmOutPort;//alarm output port DWORD dwInfoLen;                    //length of log info

char    sInfo[NORMAL_LOGLEN];//normal log with additional info



typedef struct tagINTER_PDC_APPEND_LOG


time_t tPDCStopTime;                    //count the stop time

DWORD    dwEnterNum;                        //number of entered people

DWORD    dwLeaveNum;                      // number of left people BYTE byRes[NORMAL_LOGLEN];                //reserved



typedef union tagINTER_APPEND_LOG_UNION





INTER_COMMON_APPEND_LOG struCommonAppendLog; //log with additional


INTER_PDC_APPEND_LOG            struPDCAppendLog;             //people counting


statistics info



typedef struct


time_t tLogTime;                                         //time

DWORD dwMajorType;                               //major type; DWORD dwMinorType;                                       //minor type; BYTE sPanelUser[MAX_NAMELEN];              //panel user BYTE sNetUser[MAX_NAMELEN];                  //network user

U_IN_ADDR struRemoteHostAddr;              // remote host IP INTER_APPEND_LOG_UNION    uAppendLogInfo;//log with info union



Macro Definition




File searching over



Searching, please wait



Length of received file



Max length of log info



Length of user name



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